Sunday, June 08, 2008

Champion Pigeon Racer Quits Over Cheating and Spying

I don't know which aspect of this story strikes me as being saddest.

  1. The fact that people figured that a championship racer could only win consistently by cheating.
  2. The fact that people have taken something that should be an enjoyable hobby and raised it to the level of importance to either possibly cheat in order to win or to justify to themselves that invading someone's privacy is ok because if they're cheating they need to be caught and thrown out of the hobby.

I know that in any hobby there are people who are so compelled to win that they have no compunction about resorting to cheating. And I also know there are people who are so galled by cheating that they feel completely justified in pursuing any measure they need to pursue in order to prove cheating and get the guilty party punished. But at the end of the day, it's just a hobby--supposedly an enjoyable way to spend time with birds.

It seems that either Mr. Gibson was not cheating or there was no conclusive proof of him doing so because the governing body decided not to take any action. But maybe the police will want to take some action because this surely sounds like an invasion of a person's privacy no matter what motivated it.

If anyone from Scotland knows more details about this story and reads this post, please share them with me. I get the feeling there's more to this than the news article would indicate.

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